本帖最後由 shiyabulsa@gmai 於 2024-3-16 18:13 編輯
Content Instagram Rock Content Facebook Rock Content Twitter Rock Content Youtube To the topLearn how to become the most desired marketing professional on the market Rock Content's marketing director, Renato Mesquita, prepared this content to talk about his career in the Digital Marketing market. Renato Mesquita Oct 14, 18 | 9 min read The universe of digital marketing offers an infinite number of career possibilities for those interested in the segment. There are many specialization options to train
ofessionals who will work in companies that have an increasingly high level Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List of investment in digital. In 2013, when I threw myself completely into that world, fleeing from traditional journalism (my university training) at the invitation of a great friend (Thank you, Alberto <3), my life changed. Everything really changed! The content was no longer just a piece of text
. It had to be search engine optimized and people focused . The lead was also not like that of journalism. What were previously parts of my texts became contacts that I had to learn to generate and transmit to the sales team. In short, I had to start from scratch. Since I was running behind the damag