Social Communication Congress The communication congress is aimed at professionals, students and those interested in the areas of journalism, advertising and photography. Carried out by UNINASSAU institutions in conjunction with UNINABUCO. Through countless technological advances, as well as the increased importance of social networks in everyday life and the various digital platforms keep us connected at all times. Making it impossible not to notice how these aspects affect us. With regard to the area of communication, these advances change the perspectives of those who produce and consume content daily and that is what the 10th edition of the Brazilian Congress of Social Communication spoke about between the 8th and 10th of June 2017. The congress brings together experts from the areas of communication to debate and present the reality of the current market for the segment.
Topics such as digital marketing, sociability, consumption and new ways of thinking about communication are covered at conferences and round tables. 5) Brazilian Congress of Alternative Communication VII Alternative Communication Congress The Brazilian Congress of Alternative Communication , promoted by the Association of Brazilian members of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC–Brazil) held its 7th edition with the theme “Traveling Alternative Communication Together”. With this theme, continuing the paths already outlined, it highlighted the services and research for the necessary support for the acquisition and development of language, communication and interaction through the use of resources, procedures, techniques and strategies of supplementary and alternative communication systems. The proposal of the Alternative Communication Congress is to discuss and think about propositional ways on how they are constituted and developed.

Involving the various services in a collaborative way to meet the specificities in schools. As well as in institutions, clinics, homes, hospitals, both in the public and private sectors. The choice of themes, guests, and thematic distribution around the services aims to follow advances and trends in science and technology in the area. Furthermore, the aim is to bring together guests, value and articulate scientific knowledge and practices Brazil Phone Number Data that are equally important and historically present in the process of consolidating Alternative Communication in the country. National and international guests are expected to attend. Thus contributing with innovative and diverse experiences that may be applicable to the national reality. The international speakers are researchers with renowned recognition in the field of Alternative Communication.Brazilian Advertising courses. In 2017, the VIII Pró-Pesq PP was held, for the first time, at the Federal University of Pernambuco, in Recife.