We bring you practical advice with examples and data! There has never been more discussion about gender. Feminism and definitions of masculinity and femininity are everywhere: magazines, blogs, series, movies, conferences, TV shows, etc. Lizandra Muniz Year Month Day Minutes Read Entrepreneurial Women Our feeling is that even with so much information out there on the subject, we still see brands and companies market their products and services to female audiences in conservative and cliche ways way to position yourself. But why do brands still make so many mistakes.
Why do we see examples of misguided (and ugly) advertising Bahamas WhatsApp Number targeting women every year? Ultimately: How do we market to women? Note: This article is excerpted from our Portuguese blog . The data we use from now on refer to Brazil, however, they remain valid for the development of the text and have commonalities with our Hispanic female audience. Marketing to women needs to be more thoughtful Brazilian women do not feel that advertising represents them. A survey conducted revealed that . of women felt that advertising did not depict real women.

The reasons vary: 10% of respondents feel that women depicted in advertising are very different from women in reality: 10% of respondents said they were uncomfortable with the objectification and sexualization of women in advertising. of people don’t like the perfect female image created by the brand. And it doesn't stop there. The problem has become so severe that women no longer feel affected by advertising. 's research shows that advertising evokes the same feeling for . .people are unable to remember advertisements that catch their attention. Fashion, beauty, automobiles and beer were the areas most often cited as problematic in the Supreme People's Court investigation.