Social networks Nowadays it is super normal to see doctors on social networks : nutritionists, gynecologists and even plastic surgeons. However, hospitals have had a harder time approaching this medium. In part it is because hospitals still do not know what they can achieve with them. They have no defined objectives, methods, or goals. Many times they believe that being on Facebook is all they have to do (when we have repeated here that having a presence is not synonymous with strategy).
Others, however, understand everything that networks can do but don't know how. The first thing we have to understand is that results cannot be built overnight. And yes, we say build because it Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data is a process that we must do in order to see the results in the long run. For example, one of the factors that limit hospitals or clinics from using social networks is that when we talk about the health sector there can be no mistakes or half-truths ; Things have to be as they are and so much information can make the patient dizzy and confused.

However, social networks are an excellent opportunity to find new patients (especially those who need a specific treatment or doctor) as well as collaborators, and offer medical advice. The problem is that if we already live in the era of self-medication with the Internet (by the way, don't do it or we will end up in the super bacteria apocalypse), doctors and hospitals have to be twice as careful with what they They publish and promote on their networks.