The weaknesses relate to internal actions and factors; Opportunities, i.e. opportunities in the online store ; they contain all external initiatives that will help achieve a stronger competitive position ; you have no influence on the opportunities they are independent of you, but it is important to notice and use them; Threats, i.e. threats in the online store that may cause operational problems ; just like in the case of opportunities, you also have no influence on threats they are beyond your control; examples of threats include changes in taxlegal regulations; pandemic, outbreak of war, new competitor on the market, etc.
Each of these elements of the SWOT analysis has equal importance and must be analyzed and developed in detail. When and why is it worth doing a SWOT analysis SWOT analysis in Algeria WhatsApp Number marketing has versatile applications. It is recommended to do it already at the stage of planning the launch of the online store . Thanks to this, you will find out whether your idea has a chance and what chance it will have of success. You should also use SWOT analysis after launching an online store . It is best to do it regularly, because both the market and the company itself are constantly changing. These may be unnoticeable or minor at first glance, but in reality they will have a major impact on the functioning of the online store. The benefits of SWOT analysis of an online store are:

Ability to identify areas requiring improvement; Understanding the brand's position in the market; Indicating how to effectively use your strengths, Minimizing threats and weaknesses of the online store, The ability to proactively respond to changes in the market; Indications of trends taking place in the industry; Ability to respond effectively to competition .