We are planning to release a customer management function in the future. Recently, it was announced that all Channel Talk services will be provided free of charge to sites with less than 100 visitors per day. This is to help even small-scale small business owners easily understand their customers and effectively set the direction for growth. In particular, at Channel Talk, all employees, including CEOs, developers, designers, and marketers, communicate directly with customers, and all team members have a deep understanding of customers. In fact, all functions developed so far, such as pushbot and supportbot, were planned and produced based on customer opinions. Ideas “I think customer service is also a competitive edge.” Kim Dong-hwan, CEO of Backpacker Ideas is an online platform that connects customers to purchase handmade works by handmade artists. While similar businesses were closing down one after another.
Ideas ranked first in the handmade platform market just five years after its founding. The Cambodia Phone Number Data number of monthly active users of Ideas reaches 2.6 million. The number of app downloads exceeded 6.6 million times. Ideas cited the ‘thorough customer value-oriented’ strategy as one of the secrets to recruiting writers and attracting many customers in a short period of time. Kim Dong-hwan, CEO of Ideas, judged that dialogue was absolutely necessary due to the nature of handmade products. This is because there is a difference from industrial products where the actual product can be confirmed. Ideas allows writers registered on the platform and customers to have one-on-one conversations. T product performance or usage methods 24 hours a day. In addition, customers' opinions can be conveyed to the artist, and in the case of products with a production period of more than a month, the intermediate production process can also be checked. Hwahwa “Products are created based on customer reviews” The application 'Hwahae' is a platform created by collecting ingredient analysis and review content of cosmetics. The number of downloads has exceeded 7 million, and actual user reviews have reached 4.4 million.

CEO Woong Lee provides a ‘review’ function to identify trustworthy products. Hwahae even created several hurdles to filter out less trustworthy reviews, such as commercial reviews and reviews with impure intentions. I wrote a review by recording both good and bad points, and created a structure where I had to write a review to check other people's reviews. As a result, there were fewer advertising reviews and more trustworthy reviews were posted. Afterwards, they even opened their own online shopping mall, ‘Hwahwae Shopping’, to facilitate easy purchasing based on reviews. Rather than bringing products that are likely to sell well or products that are already selling well, the choice was to provide a new shopping experience by utilizing Hwahae's vivid reviews from consumers. Recently, we launched five new products, ‘ONLY Reconciliation’, based on reviews left by customers. ONLY Hwahae products reflect user reviews and upgrade or completely reinvent existing products. Lee Woong, CEO of Bird View, said, “Hwahae Shopping is a special place where you can experience your review becoming ONLY Hwahae’s product and commerce.”