At this point you have the essential tips to start planning your GTM strategy. Obtaining a streak of good sales is not the only objective you can achieve if you rely on Go to market strategies , you can also bring out your value as a brand. That in itself is a great job to get your potential clients to know you and fall in love with what you have to offer them.about to apply a Go to Market strategy ? We are dying to know.
Who is a Coolhunter and what does he do? Posted by Claudia Cambodia Phone Number Data Roca Entrepreneurship 2 Comments(s) Coolhunter Blog » Entrepreneurship » Who is a Coolhunter and what does he do? Trends here, trends there... There is nothing that escapes the hands of a Coolhunter. Did you know that every year the Pantone company exposes what the fashionable color will be and that sets a trend in multiple sectors for months? And, believe it or not, we have all felt that passion for Coolhunting , yes, even if you don't even know what it means (at the moment).

A Coolhunter is the term that marketers use to refer to a trend hunter , those people who work making predictions about the next trends in a sector, be it digital marketing , consumption, new technologies, design... And the truth is that this information has become FUNDAMENTAL for brands. After all, a Coolhunter allows them to be up to date and reach as many consumers as possible. Do you want to know everything about a Coolhunter ? Keep reading! What is Coolhunting? Coolhunting is a relatively new term that was born in 1997 by journalist Malcolm Gladwell, thanks to an article published in The New Yorker .