Had to rebuild 100% from scratch. Opportunity analysis When launching the project, when covid hit Vietnam for the third time, many unemployed people moved to stay at home and do business. Many companies are shifting to an online business model and working from home, so employees have to learn to adapt. Small traditional stores also have to move online because stores have to close due to the epidemic. The trend of online shopping increased sharply. The keywords online business at home, make money online. increased sharply. Challenge analysis (threat.
There are many online courses about making money online, but many DB to Data of them are bad and cause users' trust to be lost. : build a good brand, students will be the ones to spread word of mouth and introduce their feelings about the course. Competition in the MMO industry is extremely strong and it is not easy to get to the top of the keywords. but focus on pulling traffic from group seeding and writing non-competitive keywords. Step Analyze potential customers & needs Nhung will create a series of portraits of who her customers are, from which she will create a marketing plan to target them, from content writing to marketing channels.

Customer analysis, Nhung will clearly write down who her customers will be, how old they are, their customer behavior, their spending level... -> This greatly affects the creation of suitable products. , the level of competition related to the customer segment. When planning a business, whether online or traditional, you must create products based on customer needs, not just what you like or what sells. See more detailed customer analysis instructions here and examples for better understanding. After analyzing the customer.