continued to rise ever since. As a result, Canadians areseeing higher prices and reduced availability of their everyday products. Howare they coping with the shortages and rising prices that are affecting theentire country? Can retail traders limit economic pressure on consumers usingpromotional offers, customer loyalty programs and other measures? To understandhow Canadians, and in particular Quebecers, feel the impact of rising prices,Capterra conducted the survey among more than 1,000 Canadians (including 278residing in Quebec) who are at least partially responsible for the expenses oftheir household, in March and April 2023. You will find the complete methodologyof this survey at the bottom of this article. Price increases in 2023: consumer
perception Quebecers who are responsible for the effects of inflation. In fact, 76% ofthem are more or less “worried” about rising prices, and more than a quarter(28%) are Bulgaria Mobile Number List even “very worried”. There seems to be a little less anxiety inQuebec than in the rest of the country, because 82% of national respondentsalso feel some worry, a difference of 6 points. Quebecers' concerns are notunfounded. The majority of these people interviewed as part of our survey (85%)noted an increase in the price of a product or service during the year 2022.Quebecers seem especially aware of the increase in prices food: Almost allparticipants who noticed price changes (98%) mentioned the increase in foodprices. Food price

pressure in Canada has been documented over the past year,with many citizens reporting being most affected by rising grocery prices .Individuals interviewed in our survey were also aware of the increase in pricesof other non-food consumer items, such as toiletries, clothing and durableproducts. Increase in prices of everyday consumer goods due to inflation inQuebec That said, consumer goods are not the only ones to be affected byinflation. About 9 in 10 Canadian participants who noticed an increase inprices also noticed the increase in household bills (87%) such as gas,electricity, water and Internet. These increases are at least partly due torising fuel and natural gas prices . Leisure establishments such as bars andrestaurants, as well as entertainment