The active population has some flexibility in working hours, a long way from the European average. Which is 42%; and, especially, very far from countries like Germany, with 42% and Italy, with 41%. These surveys, prepared by the European Commission, indicate the greater difficulty that Spanish workers have in being able to fulfill family or personal responsibilities.
Due to long working hours, as well as greater difficulty in concentrating on the position performed. Elements that reveal a lower increase in productivity, compared to European countries. Having working hours moible number data more in tune with the rest of Europe would help, to a great extent, to reconcile work and family life, since it would make it possible to synchronize.

School hours with work hours. To this poor reconciliation between work and family obligations, we must add the great inequality in birth permits. An effective convergence of schedules would translate into greater productivity per hour worked in our country and, without a doubt, would help reduce absenteeism and so-called presenteeism hours present at work, without an effective counterpart.