Carrying out the same activities but in panel including the need to log in would take about minutes. So we have at least minutes of saved time. If someone thinks that this is not enough just think how much time we will save when the same administrative activities are carried out for example in WordPress installations. Thanks to WP CLI we can also perform various operations on the database used by WordPress. The most important activities related to the database include creating a backup copy and uploading the contents of the .sql file to it.
People familiar with system commands might say that these types of operations can also be performed using mysqldump or mysql. Yes but in the case of system commands it Phone Number List is necessary to know the username and password for a given database. WP CLI uses the WordPress installation configuration file – wp config.
Php downloading the necessary database access data from it. This makes it very easy to export and import the database. To export the database of our WordPress installation to the file 'baza_ .sql' run the command in the installation directory wordpress wpn_ wp db export baza_ .sql Similarly to import the contents of the 'baza_ .sql' file to the database appropriate for our WordPress installation we execute the command in the installation directory wordpress wpn_ wp db import baza_ .sql WP CLI for advanced users In addition to the built in commands WP CLI allows webmasters to create their own functions for the needs of specific installations groups of installations.