The lawyer, like any professional, must comply with criminal and deontological standards , both for the sake of a diligent and ethical exercise of the profession and with the intention of projecting an image of the profession to society of honesty and respect for legal principles and ethics that generate the necessary trust in citizens. We can help you At Dexia Abogados we are lawyers specializing in criminal law in Madrid . If you need a criminal law firm with extensive experience, contact us and find out without obligation . CONTACT US Crimes that lawyers can commit in their professional practice As mentioned, the acts with criminal relevance that lawyers can commit are the following: Document falsification crime This crime can be committed in both public and private documents . These criminal acts may occur both in judicial proceedings as proof of their claims and in extrajudicial means (article 390 of the Penal Code ). Document falsification may have been carried out by the.
Professional or only the false document may have been used, knowing that it was false Crime of revealing secrets Through acts that affect his clients or third parties other than his clients and of which he has been informed precisely due to his capacity as s provision in connection with article 199.2 of the same legal text, as it expressly provides for the disclosure of other people's secrets that have become known to the professional on the DM Databases occasion of his trade or profession . The infraction by the lawyer of revealing the secrecy of judicially decreed summary proceedings will also be considered criminal (article 466 of the Penal Code). Crime of procedural fraud Procedural fraud is an aggravated type of the crime of fraud , included in article 250.7 of the Penal Code and which means that, in a judicial procedure of any kind, lawyers manipulate the evidence on which they intend to base their allegations or use other similar procedural fraud.

Causing error in the judge or court and leading him to issue a resolution that harms the economic interests of the other party or a third party. Crime of misappropriation The crime of misappropriation , included in article 253 of the Penal Code, is also a criminal act that can be carried out by the professional. This occurs when, in order to collect the fees owed by their client, they appropriate the costs obtained in a judicial proceeding in which they have intervened in defense of their client and which, unless otherwise expressly agreed for this purpose, correspond to the client without the professional could decide, of his or her will, to allocate the amount of said costs to the satisfaction of the aforementioned fees. Another example could be the lawyer's appropriation of compensation that corresponds to the client. Corporate crimes There may be the case in which lawyers are appointed company administrators and, in such case, they may be criminally liable for a corporate crime if they commit any action included in article 290 of the Penal Code. Crime of receipt and money laundering The crimes of receiving and laundering money are included in article 298 of the Penal Code.