I am looking for competent people in this type of endeavor for my company and your recommendations and functions made me better understand what I should look for. I encourage you to continue posting with that desire and clarity of ideas. All the best. Login to respond Eduardo Martínez Fustero Hello Edu, Thank you very much for your comment. Reading these things are what encourage you to continue writing. All the best. Raphael Regarding the report, I take it as information to continue learning and analyze what is mentioned, what I would like is to hear an opinion on what is shared between the Marketing people and the attention center.
Why is this observation/request because ID Number List many times what a CM does is, so to speak, differentiated between one sector and another, my question is What is the key to sharing a role divided between commercial and customer service? Thank you! Greetings from Argentina. Login to respond Eduardo Martínez Fustero Hello Rafael, It varies depending on the objectives you want to achieve. defining a social media strategy and, above all, having qualified personnel who establish, through professional criteria, the objectives to be achieved both in terms of customer service and commercial action.
All the best. Sebastian Borquez I strongly disagree with this post on several points. First of all, the profile of the CM is becoming much larger. It is important for companies to have an online presence, but it is not special to say that not everyone is qualified, in fact, it is enough to have empathy and respond cordially (even if they insult you) and be original. That is enough for a small company to have a CM and anyone can do that.