Body language mistakes when selling that you should avoid. These mistakes should be completely avoided, especially if the customer feels angry or there is tension with the facility. Wrong facial expression: Always be careful of your facial expressions when communicating with a customer, especially if he is bothered by something about the product or service for which he paid his money. Avoid a provocative tone of voice: You must know that people respond to the way you speak more than the words themselves if the tone of your voice expresses distress, nervousness, or coldness.
All of that provokes the client Rich People Phone Number List and turns the situation into a quarrel instead of the understanding that the client came for. Crossing the arms defensively to end the conversation: not welcoming listening, exaggeration of defensiveness, closed mentality, expressed by the gesture with the arm crossed on the chest. If you are dealing with an angry customer, place your hands open beside you to show that you are listening carefully and with an open mind to the dialogue. Body position: The body position gives a signal that can be understood by whoever sits or stands in front of you.

Moderate your sitting or standing to give the impression that you are interested and listening intently. Do not get too close to the client when sitting or standing, which gives the impression that you are attacking or challenging him, which will arouse his nerves and make him angry with you. Hand-to-hand contact: emotional person arouses his distress and anger more, and may even push him into a severe outburst. This movement is sometimes a habit for many people during normal conversation.