Seasonal Campaigns ArticlesE-Commerce Written by DanHughes The festive shopping season presents marketers with a prime opportunityto increase brand awareness, generate leads and boost revenue. Commonlyreferred to as ‘the Golden Quarter’, the seasonal shopping period traditionallybegins with Black Friday and concludes with the post-Christmas sales. With manygreat AI tools now at our disposal, ecommerce businesses have more opportunitiesthan ever to attract new customers and reconnect with existing ones especiallyas people are more cost-conscious in an uncertain economic climate.
PlusofAmerican consumers agree that looking for deals, discounts, or promotionsonline is helpful andfind it enjoyable according to ‘The Future of Retail’report. To help you make the most of this golden season, check out some of ourtricks and tips that we’ve learned along the way. Create Wish Lists Many peoplemake lists to help them with their seasonal shopping. It’s human nature to geta rush of satisfaction when an item gets crossed off! According to a GlobalRetail Study by Find Your Mobile Number List Google,of shoppers think their shopping experience would bebetter if retailers offered a wishlist where they can save items they'reinterested in. So there’s an appetite for wishlists from nearly half ofconsumers and it’s up to businesses to capitalize on that. Plus if you offer awishlist or ‘favorites’ function you can encourage people to sign up and targetthem with relevant email campaigns. Take IKEA as a great example. The Swedishfurnishing superstore knows that people like to browse and look at options onits website. So they offer a ‘Favorites’ function that enables people to createlists once they are logged in. The page to encourage sign-ups simply uses theintroduction text ‘Start organizing your dream space’ to get people started.

Screenshot of IKEA showing wish lists Screenshot of IKEA showing wish listsRemember to make sure your wishlists are easy to use on mobile devices as themajority of people love to browse on the go or when they have a bit of freetime. This is especially true due to the rise in social commerce. Top Tips everage email to encourage people to log in and create a wishlist or look attheir existing one Remarket abandoned items to customers and encourage them tosave them to a wishlist or offer a discount on the item Allow customers toshare their wish lists with friends and family. Offer gift cards as an optionto help fulfill someone’s ‘wishlist dreams’ and take the decision and stressout of buying Include Other Holidays that Matter to Your Audience From BlackFriday through to the post-Christmas sales, there are loads of opportunities toreach out and connect with your audience and promote your products or servicesto a potentially engaged audience.