After analyzing all the relevant content, content adapted to the phase the consumer is in can be offered (TOFU, MOFU, BOFU). Know the ideal client: It is vital to create one or several Buyer Personas to establish a content map on the website and get to know our audience better. Positively impact users: By implementing relevant content in the content map, a positive response from the target audience is ensured and Inbound Marketing benefits. Increase the sales funnel: By knowing the phase in which our audience is, you can create actions and guide them towards the final purchasing phase. Implement lead nurturing: By offering what users want and obtaining their data, you can expand the network of leads , build their loyalty and send them relevant information at the right time, which is known as Lead Nurturing.
How do you make a content map? Step by Step What are content maps or content mapping and how to do them step by step 1 – Define the buyer persona It is essential to identify and thoroughly understand your target audience, also known as the buyer persona. This will allow you to understand their needs, motivations, concerns, content consumption Phone Number Data preferences, among other relevant aspects. To facilitate this task, it is possible to use an empathy map . Additionally, if you use truthful information obtained through recent research, such as interviews, calls or surveys, you will achieve more effective results. that allows you to better understand your potential clients, it is necessary to perform an analysis of real data. One way to do it in an organized way is to prepare a sheet with the following information: Demographic data. Current job and level of education. Personality characteristics, religious beliefs, lifestyle, among other aspects. Daily challenges, fears or problems they face.
Influences that condition them, such as media, websites, books, etc. Shopping habits, time and place where you buy, who makes the decisions, time it takes to decide on a purchase, among other aspects. Sources of information you consult. Hobbies. 2 – Define the purchase cycle or buyer's journey: When creating a content strategy, it is essential to understand the buying process of your target audience. This involves analyzing the journey that your buyer persona takes from the moment a need arises to the moment they make the purchase or contract. Once you identify the phase of the buying cycle they are in, you can offer them the right content.