Script Writing Start with a rough outline of the narrative of your story, which will later be translated into visual objects and movements, voice-over, sound effects, and music. First, lay out the main points you want to make, then start writing, word-for-word, what you want the narrator and the characters to say (whether it’s voiced over or only text on the screen).
Keep in mind that time is very limited in videos — the shorter, the better. w long the video will be. If you can get your message Whatsapp Number across in: 30 seconds, that’s fantastic; 60 seconds, it is acceptable; and 90 seconds, this is typically the maximum recommended time. For example, Nancy Duarte uses a simple structure to create the drama that keeps viewers interested: repeatedly showing the state of the world now (“what is”) in contrast with your vision of a better way to do whatever it is that you do (“what could be”).

Check out her template below: motion graphics story template Story Template by Nancy Duarte Then finish by painting a clear picture of the destination — think of it as a postcard from the future that you are inviting people to participate in. It helps to understand that emotional appeal and convenience are significant factors in moving a viewer to action. Behavior often follows the path of least resistance, so you’ll want to make a call to action that is as frictionless as possible to follow up on.