Try to use short and clear links. The design of links in Telegram looks like this: select the part of the text with a description where the link leads, and select formatting → add a link. Tip: leave a link to another post on the topic at the end of the post. This can increase engagement and time spent by users on the channel. An example of a Telegram post with a link to a random interesting post on the Molyanov channel. An example of a Telegram post with a link to a random interesting post on the Molyanov channel.
Completion Conclude your post with a summary or call to action. This could be a question, an offer to subscribe, or leave a comment. The ending, like the intro, is also not always necessary. It depends on the type of content, but the reader can draw their own conclusions, which is often much better. Illustrations for Telegram posts Insert images or Web Development Services graphics that relate to the topic or complement the text post. Visual elements can make it more attractive. The maximum size for a post with an illustration is 1,024 characters. The image is located at the top of the post. To avoid the 1,024 character limit, the illustration can be attached below using the bot for creating posts in Telegram – Controller Bot.

Then 4,096 characters will be available, and the image will be attached to the end of the post and marked as a link. What to look for: Connection to the topic. Avoid random images that are not relevant to the content. Clarity and readability. The image must be clear and clearly visible. Avoid images with small details or poor resolution. Relevance and originality. If possible, use original images created by you or your team. This adds uniqueness and highlights the personality of your channel.