Techniques and methods for
Here is an example of one I made and used to help a SaaS company scale pretty quickly: Content lifecycle diagram A content lifecycle diagram for our fake company, ReachThem. You might want to zoom in. You’ll want to create content from right to left with exception of Referral and possibly Retention sections. I know, the diagram looks like it should.Be read from left to right, but you need to first start at the bottom of the funnel Retention + Activation. That way when you do create top of the funnel Awareness content, you’ll give phone number list website visitors a chance to find content that makes them convert more on that later. One misconception I personally had early on was that if someone landed.,h_393,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ad8ebf_2211c90cd063497bb9c5df482eb00f98~mv2.png
On an inspirational blog post in the Awareness stage, they would then browse through the rest of my website and find the lower funnel content. This does happen, but not often. When it comes to SaaS, especially in B2B, most people use Google to find content, not your website. So you need to make sure that all of your content on your website is SEO optimized.