Need to be carefully chosen
Is your customer service designed so that a Chatbot or an agent serves your customer in the shortest time possible? Is your customer service technology automatically scalable to deal with spikes in queries when events occur that concentrate many questions in a single day? The growth of a Fintech is not only recruitment, but also retention. According to Zendesk's CX Trends report , % of customers would switch to a competitor after just one bad experience.An increase of % compared to , while, if there are two negative experiences, % would say goodbye to said company, regardless of loyalty. And yes, the investment rounds give Fintech companies a lot of money to go Digital Marketing Service out and buy the market and attract clients, but it would be much nicer if the clients that were acquired were not lost. At Prospect Factory we help you with social listening studies to find out what customers complain about your Fintech.,h_374,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/3a97ba_a1f4750a17ad4271b2afc57d019c2e52~mv2.jpg
An the competition and at Grupo Arion , we have advanced customer service solutions. Contact us .Helpful content update from Google. Home Google Useful content update from Google. Google announced a new update to its algorithm called “useful content update.” The goal is to boost content written for people and penalize content written primarily for SEO. That is, only to achieve positioning in Google listings. The useful content update will apply.