Learn about the main variables in Google Tag Manager
What are the main variables in Google Tag Manager? Bringing this concept to the world of technology and, mainly, the Google Tag Manager tool, a variable is responsible for storing data on user behavior in a given action/moment on the website and communicating this information to Google servers. Let's find out what they are now.
The main variables within the GTM
The variables are divided into:
Predefined variables are standard variables available rcs data saudi arabia all accounts, while custom variables are defined by the user to store specific information.
The main variables in Google Tag Manager are: page variables, utilities, errors, clicks, and forms.
These are variables that store information related to the address of the website or external websites.
Page URL:Returns the complete URL information
Example: https://www.lambdamarketingdigital.com.br/conheca-as-prinicipais-variaveis-no-google-tag-manager
Page Hostname: returns only the hostname
Example: lambamarketingdigital.com.br
Page Path: Returns only the relative path of the page
Example: know-the-main-variables-in-google-tag-manager
Referrer: returns the URL of the page that sent the visitor to your site
Example: https://www.lambdamarketingdigital.com.br/ or http:/www.facebook.com/
These are variables that have information defined in the Google Tag Manager account.
Event: Name of the event that triggered an action (such as 'click' or 'scroll')
Environment name: Name of the environment defined in the GTM account
Container ID: Container ID
Container Version: Current version of the container
Random Number: Random number generated
HTML ID: ID that represents the HTML page
These are the variables filled when an exception occurs in the page's Javascript code.
Error Message: returns the exception error message
Error Line: returns the line of source code where the error occurred
Error URL: returns the URL of the page where the error occurred
Debug Mode: displays whether GTM is in debug mode (for debugging errors) or not
This is the information passed to the data layer whenever a click is performed anywhere on the page.
Click Element: HTML tag of the clicked element
Click Classes: CSS class of the clicked element
Click ID: ID of the clicked HTML element
Click Target: value of the target attribute, when present, on the clicked element
Click URL: URL of the page where the click occurred
Click Text: text of the clicked element
This is the information passed to the data layer whenever a form is submitted on a page (does not apply to AJAX forms).
Form Element: HTML tag of the element that submitted the form
Form Classes: CSS class of the submitted form
Form ID: ID of the submitted form
Form Target: indicates the action the form was submitted to (POST, GET, etc.)
Form URL: URL where the form was submitted